Course Objectives
- Understand the basic principles of developmental kinesiology.
- Explain the connection between first-year development and locomotor system dysfunction in adulthood.
- Discuss and demonstrate key aspects of human movement, including:
- Support, stepping forward, the biomechanics of motor function, the verticalization process, and functional joint centration in postural development.
- Identify and correct improper respiratory patterns.
- Assess the spine’s integrated stabilizing system using visual analysis and dynamic functional tests.
- Apply corrective exercises based on DNS functional tests and developmental positions, such as supine, prone, low kneeling, oblique sit, and quadruped global movements.
- Demonstrate how DNS corrective exercises can complement other exercise strategies.
Registration Fee: $600 + Mandatory Prague School Fee
Important information: Upon completion of the registration form, you will be invoiced via PayPal within 2 business days. Registration is not complete until payment is received. Please pay the separate Prague School fee here: