Pain in the back and neck often creates problems in your daily life, and treatment can be difficult since it has a wide range of causes. Many times, neck and back pain is due to spinal stenosis, a condition in which nerves in the spine become compressed. At Motus Integrative Health, we strive to help patients feel their best, no matter what they’re dealing with. We offer a number of treatments to reduce your symptoms and help you live the active life you’re striving for. Part of what we do involves helping you find holistic solutions to your pain, and spinal stenosis is no exception. Let our chiropractors help you overcome your symptoms.
There are a number of degenerative conditions of the spine, as well as other chronic problems, that pose a challenge to your daily life. Spinal stenosis is caused when internal spaces narrow and press against nerves that run through the spine. This causes problems in the lower back, the neck and other areas since nerves communicate with all parts of your body. It’s often caused by the wear and tear that occurs due to osteoarthritis. There are two main types of spinal stenosis: cervical stenosis, which affects the neck, and lumbar stenosis, which impacts the lower back.
Some individuals don’t have any symptoms but find evidence of spinal stenosis through MRI or a CT scan. For those who do experience symptoms, they can be debilitating:
There are also complications specific to cervical and lumbar stenosis, such as numbness in the hands and weakness in the legs, respectively. These symptoms often become worse if the condition is ignored and doesn’t receive proper treatment. Further injury and certain activities can leave you at risk if you don’t visit a professional, so if you have this condition, reach out to the team at Motus Integrative Health right away. We’re here to help.
If these complications are posing daily challenges in your life, whether it’s work, hobbies or getting physically active, a chiropractor can help. It’s possible to treat spinal stenosis and reduce symptoms through chiropractic care and other natural methods. Many patients report lower pain levels after visiting a chiropractor. When you’re dealing with pain, you don’t want additional discomfort. Natural pain relief promotes well-being without side effects.
Therapies that may be utilized include:
Spinal Stenosis causes you significant pain and discomfort. Don’t let the symptoms prevent you from actively living and doing what you love. Our team at Motus Integrated Health is here to guide you towards better well-being, and we do so by delivering state-of-the-art chiropractic care. To learn more about our services, contact us today.
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