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5 Surprising Benefits of Cupping



Individuals of all ages can discover the benefits of cupping. Athletes, pregnant women and people living with chronic pain find relief through this holistic treatment. Chances are, you’ve heard about people using cupping to relieve their ailments, and you’ve noticed the telltale red circles on their skin. Cupping is a safe treatment for chronic pain and tight muscles, often producing results faster than alternative methods. But are you aware of all of the benefits?

Motus Integrative Health uses cupping to treat various health issues in our patients. Discover just a few of the reasons to try cupping below. 

Improves Circulation

Cupping works by using suction to draw blood flow to a painful part of the body. The cups are placed directly against the skin, most commonly on the back, and remain there for a few minutes. Cupping increases circulation to an affected area, which can relieve muscle pain and encourage cell repair. Boosting circulation can also help to treat cellulite by reducing its appearance.

Encourages the Removal of Toxins

The average modern lifestyle typically causes lots of toxins to build up in the body. While it’s true that organs such as the liver and kidneys play a major role in removing toxins, they can become overloaded when your lifestyle has room for improvement. Our holistic treatments give your body a break and improve your overall well-being, and cupping is a prime example. Cupping helps by optimizing the lymphatic system and encouraging tissues to release toxins and flush them out. 

Reduces Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems, and if you’ve ever struggled with it, you know first-hand how difficult it can be to function in your everyday life. Anxiety isn’t always easy to treat and typically involves a combination of self-help measures, and for many people, cupping is an excellent way to reduce stress. Cupping triggers the parasympathetic nervous system and helps your body relax as our chiropractors glide the cups over your skin. As a result, your heart rate will slow, digestion will be enhanced and your stress levels will go down. 

Improves the Appearance of Skin

Since cupping is beneficial for circulating nutrient-rich fluids and blood to certain areas of the body, this treatment can help reduce the appearance of certain conditions affecting the skin. For instance, cupping can increase lymphatic drainage and therefore treat scar tissue and stretch marks, even those located far away from where the cups are placed. Boosted circulation can also improve the appearance of spider veins and varicose veins. 

May Help Clear Congestion

Many conditions can cause congestion, such as a viral infection, bronchitis or asthma. The suction produced by cupping can help break up congestion and facilitate lymphatic drainage. The suction brings oxygen rich blood towards your respiratory system, helping you breathe easier. 

Talk to Our Chiropractors Today

Cupping has so many benefits you may not realize, and it’s completely noninvasive and natural. Motus Integrative Health is ready to assist you. Learn about the advantages of cupping by contacting our team. 


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